Saturday, December 8, 2007

So you're a cool gamer librarian?

I wonder what the gamer librarians think of themselves. Do they say, "wow, I'm cool because kids come in to play games with me"?

I remember when I was in high school; there were a couple of teachers who liked to hang around the kids, invite us over for a party, whatever. But I thought these teachers were old, like ancient. And it didn't matter how much they claimed to have in common with us, I felt they would never fit into our world. And I'm pretty sure they were only in their late twenties.


So looking back at how I viewed the world when I was 17, here is my understand of what kids today might think about their world. Note how things link, that the library is only important in the context of "school" and not a place to meet "other teens." And so the librarian is only linked through the library, once removed from a direct link to something teens care about, but linked again as a source of "free shit."

So as long as gamer librarians give out snacks at their programs, they could be a visible part of the teens world, as snack provider.
But if not, then they are like the rest of us, uncool, unpopular, unloved.

But who cares what kids think anyway.
[I'm not trying to put down the gamer librarians, if you are one; but I don't know any personally, so it's not like any really exist.]

[note: it's not hard to make these flash animation thingys. I just forgot how to embed it, then of course, I needed to find a place to host the file for free. I wonder if PowerPoint 2007 saves as flash... oh, well... I'm sure there was an easier way to do it.]