Friday, February 12, 2010

10 Fool-Proof Predictions

Stephen Abram has his "10 Fool-Proof Predictions for the Internet in 2020."

But why stop at just ten years from now? The.effing.librarian goes 100 years into the future to give you...

"10 Fool-Proof Predictions for the Internet in 2110."
  1. The Internet will be spelled "Innanet" and pronounced "Dave"...

  2. The Internet will run on "wrist-power" generated by 13-year-old boys...

  3. More people will promise to call the Internet after a long night of browsing, but those promises will be empty...

  4. The Internet will leave our skin all tingly, but you should see a doctor about that...

  5. The Internet "cloud" will rain personal information in the spring and snow it in the winter. Snowmen made from identity data will have the same rights as humans...

  6. The Internet will come in both smooth and chunky...

  7. The Internet will carry diseases such as "Word Flu"...

  8. Network management will be automated and sentient and get really pissed off when we spend all day playing "mafia wars"...

  9. The Internet will attract more monkeys...

  10. The Internet prefers blondes...