Friday, April 27, 2007

Whack. Whack. WHACK. OW!

Wisconsin Law Hinders Lewd Library Case

NEENAH, Wis. — A law protecting library records' confidentiality has hamstrung officials pursuing a man who reportedly masturbated among the books at the Neenah Public Library earlier this month. City Attorney James Godlewski said the library can't turn a surveillance video of the man over to police without a court order.

In this case, the library isn't able to release the suspect's identity to the police unless "someone's life or safety is at risk." I don't know when the last time it was that I saw someone masturbate in the library, but the library books stacks are pretty cramped and some enthusiastic self-gratification could cause a guy to whack his funny bone on a bookshelf. And that's not funny. Or safe. So for heaven's sake, turn over that tape!