I've told you many times that I compile my blog into printed-on-paper books. There are currently 4 of them. Three are outrageously overpriced, but one is priced so low that when I see that not one of you has bought one, it makes me want to tell you all to go fuck off.
But then I remember that none of this is real, that I'm just a brain in a jar and some creature is running experiments on me and poking at me with bits of his lunch.
But for my latest book, I paid an extra $39 for a professional account to get Createspace/Amazon to open my book up to other sellers. Some POD books are only available in limited places, but I thought it would be worth the extra money to see what this would do.
So my book is available through other channels and I did a Google search for "Perfunctorily, Me" to see what I'd find. Which is the title of my book that you haven't bought.
The first surprise is that Jessamyn West mentioned my book on her blog and didn't say that it sucked. But maybe she'd been drinking. After all, she says she read it on the way home, probably in a plane and probably after 3 vodka tonics.
After 3 vodka tonics is how I recommend that everyone read my books. Because that's how I write them, and it helps if we speak the same language.
But then I found my book on Amazon UK and Amazon FR, listed in Pounds and Euros, £4.05 and EUR 6,90 which looks pretty damn cool to someone who never leaves the USA. And even Yen, ¥811.
I just don't understand why more people don't publish as print. I guess you're convinced that online publishing is just as good as print? Where does the Library of Congress store that electronic copy of your blog? Oh, it doesn't. But it would take your paper book and stick it in some box in the corner for future humans to discover and burn for heat.
I'm only bringing this up, AGAIN, because I see that Book Blogger Appreciate Week is coming up. And it made wonder why there isn't a Blog Booker Appreciate Week. And the answer is that there aren't very many blog bookers, or people who (re)publish their blogs as print books. Or even ebooks. Dennie Heye turned some of his blog posts into a book (my book is cheaper), but I don't know of anyone else.
If fact, that reminds me that I need to upload my stuff to feedbooks and have it kindleized.
So how can I convince you to make books? I've told you how cheap it is ...seriously cheap when all you need to buy is the proof copy and pay for shipping, for me, less than $10 total.
I'm not crazy. I know I'm not going to get rich from these books, as evidenced by all of you cheap bastards. Don't any millionaires read this blog?
It's like my CafePress ("buy some effing crap") store. I don't make a penny from those shirts, but it's just awesome when someone thinks they are cool enough to buy.
So, buy my book or don't buy my book. I just can't understand why you all don't want to save all your work in print to put on your shelf and flip through every once in a while and wonder, "What the fuck was I thinking?!!"