So here's a story from India about librarians losing their identities. The term 'librarian' is no longer seen as a positive descriptor for the duties modern practitioners perform. So India is seeking a contemporary replacement for it.
organize; analyze; retrieve; assist; sort; catalog; direct; preserve; advise; instruct; protect; nurture; update... applied to data, information, people, etc.
And in the great failure that is Compromise, a librarian will henceforth be called an Org-Anal-Ass-Dat. Because those were the top four terms with the most votes.
Organalassdat. I'd rather be an anal rapist. Ok, I'm kidding. That sounds gross.

Janice Lachance said, "Unfortunately the word librarian does not recognise all of the contributions these professionals used to make." She added, "We are going to suggest one more appropriate term and will ask members to vote for it. Hopefully this will give some value to the term and people across the world will accept the new term."So someone will form a committee and the members of the association will brainstorm all the words one could use to describe the activities or skills or duties of a librarian:
organize; analyze; retrieve; assist; sort; catalog; direct; preserve; advise; instruct; protect; nurture; update... applied to data, information, people, etc.
And in the great failure that is Compromise, a librarian will henceforth be called an Org-Anal-Ass-Dat. Because those were the top four terms with the most votes.
Organalassdat. I'd rather be an anal rapist. Ok, I'm kidding. That sounds gross.