Saturday, July 26, 2008

SWM seeks successful F blogger

The NYT has an article about female bloggers, "Blogging’s Glass Ceiling," (by KARA JESELLA Published: July 27, 2008), where they mention how one guy quit his job to stay home and manage his wife's blog.

Where can I get a piece of that action?

My girlfriend started two blogs, but quit early. I keep trying to convince her that she has something useful to say about a few truly niche issues. But she won't bite. I can't even get her to write a book even though I'm sure she could.

So I'm still trying to teach her dog to write my blog. I decided that content isn't as important as meeting a deadline; if the dog could manage to trod on 100 keys, if only random letters or even to compose a message on something she truly cares about, that would be good enough for me to click "Publish." She's not a political dog; I don't expect her to promote an agenda. Anything would be fine.

When I started blogging, I noticed that there were fewer men blogging about library issues that women. It's simple math; there are fewer male librarians. For the first month or two, I intentionally wrote as either gender because I was worried that women wouldn't want to read my blog. I'd seen a lot of "grrl blogger" and "blogher" banners and I was a little afraid that I wouldn't be accepted. But the ones who "discovered" my blog didn't care.

FYI, this was one of the posts that encouraged me to continue blogging, so again, thanks to Library Talk for the early good words.

And if you think this blog sucks, blame her.