Saturday, July 26, 2008

Discarded items

I hoard crap.

I have floppies with AOL ver. 2.5 software, and I have DOS 6.1 somewhere. Why? I don't know. I keep thinking there might be a use someday. I must think that life is like a computer game where you need to carry every object you find (remember The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? where you get to the end and need some dumb tool that you threw away way back at the beginning of the game even though that thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is holds everything... yeah, well, I needed a screwdriver that I didn't have).

A few weeks ago, a guy called asking for AOL version 7 or 6 or one that was pretty damn old, and I have a copy for him (some of the disks that AOL used to send out to every mailbox with version 9 also have folders with each of the previous versions). And he was happy as a clam.

Anyway, here are some things that were discarded that I saved. The first is of some parts from headphones and keyboards and a mouse and a hard drive; the second one is some kind of switch box for sharing a printer between two computers, and I removed the wires and painted the interior black make the colors stand out better. So does this make me an artist as well as a pack rat?