Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I hope Oklahoma is in.

I've been thinking too much about death lately. I just saw, No Country for Old Men, which is about death. And then I saw Frankenstein. And now I'm watching Black Christmas. I don't usually think about death. Just like I don't think about having to poop; I know it's going to happen at some point, and I just need to plan my day around it.
And that stupid movie coming out with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson where the two old farts make a list of all the things they want to before they die and then they go do them. I don't have a list. I vowed one day to make a list, but I never got past "Go to ___." Go where? I think I'd like Scotland or maybe Switzerland, but not so much that I feel I need to get off my ass and travel.

The only goal I ever have is to spend more time with my friends. I used to sit around and watch movies, but now I go out and bother any of the three people who let me inside when I knock. I'm not the kind of person who needs lots of friends. I don't have the energy to maintain lots of relationships. I have a bad memory, so I can't tell the same funny stories over and over. So I think I limit my friends to a few so that I can have reliable backup. You know, if one or two people spend a lot of time with me, then when I ask about stuff that I've forgotten, one of them will know what I'm talking about. But if I have too many friends, I'll just get mad all the time because none of us will know anything about who I am or where I've been.

So let's see if there's a copy of Oklahoma in the library tomorrow. Or My Fair Lady or something else where no one dies. Or comes back from the dead.

I hope as I get older that I don't regret not having a list. But maybe one of my friends will have a list and maybe I can just go along with her to do the stuff on her list. That would be good. Although I'm not sure how I'll feel about sleeping with Chris Noth. (He never called me after the last time and I felt like such a whore.)