Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How did they know?

If possible, I try to visit other blogs. I say "if possible" because I need to sound like I'm busy. Frankly, right now, I mean right now, I'm trying to knock a container of anti-bacterial wipes from the top of a cubicle wall by firing an air-pressure launched foam missile at it. So yeah, if possible, I try to visit other blogs. If I'm not too busy.

And it's good if that site is one that needs a visit. Like today, I went to The Gingerbread Man. And it looks like he's doing one of those "23 Things" projects for his job. So, how's it going so far, GM?

Anyway, he had a link on his page to the HeroMachine, a place where you can design your own super (or not so super) heroes which I thought was pretty cool. Pretty cool because I was able to create a hero that looks exactly like me. Exactly. The caring eyes, the tender hands. Uncanny.