Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Keyword Usage on The.Effing.Librarian

You guys know I ain't nothing if I ain't helpful. So, after a complex breakdown of usage and visits and after being adjusted for syndication and random network pings, we at the Effing Accounting Room have discovered some interesting Effing statistics.

Most visits to the.effing.librarian were to posts which included the keywords: "ass," "no pants," and the "f-word." And posts which included those keywords also received the most visitor comments.

The breakdown was as follows:
"ass" 557 hits and 119 comments
"no pants" 1431 hits and 431 comments
"f-word" 793 hits and 117 comments

And if you don't believe the numbers, here's a convincing chart which provides the proof. The height of the bar absolutely corresponds to the number on the Y axis; you can't make that stuff up!

Needless to say, these results are surprising. If only other publications would adopt these editorial rules: all publication covers much include one of the three "golden" keywords. American Libraries will never look the same again.

There are also a host of related words which generate user visits: "farts," "boogers," drug references, female anatomy, and the "s-word."

The effect this has on books, publishing and libraries can only be imagined.

And all you library school students feel free to cite the study in your next paper. Jobs are plentiful, but a kick-ass sense of humor is rare.