Because we are birds.
How else do you explain the popularity of Facebook and Twitter? These are crowd sites, sites where everyone goes to be seen or heard. These are flocks. What's up with these flocking sites?
Why do people want everyone to know about what's happening with them right now? I guess, because it keeps them from thinking about the future.
Just look at Twitter:
"I'm watching Albanian Idol."
"Yea! Pzmk Nvyrmz. You kick ass!"
"Vote for Pzmk!"
"I voted for Pzmk."
"Why is Pzmk Nvyrmz a trending topic?"
"Why is Pzmk Nvyrmz a trending topic?"
"Will everyone please stop typing, 'Why is Pzmk Nvyrmz a trending topic?'"
It's interesting how the BBC News says that Google needs to watch out for Facebook now that they've purchased FriendFeed because FriendFeed uses real time updates for real time search.
But I don't know what that means.
I have a FriendFeed account, but I rarely use it. It feeds my Twitter and YouTube updates. And I belong to Librariology. I only check it when I get an email that says, "Pzmk just joined your FriendFeed."
So now Google, a search engine, is supposed to feel pressure from Facebook, an "I am" engine. I guess it makes sense that people really only want to shout at the world, "It's me. I'm here." Google may help people find stuff, but Facebook, I guess, helps them to find each other. Or themselves.
So is the future of the Internet a flocking future?
I don't know if it's relevant, but the future wasn't very good to the dinosaurs.