- enter and leave the library through the public entrance (not the staff doors)
- use the public restrooms
- use the public computers to do your work
- reserve public meeting rooms for meetings
- follow all library policies
For "Work Like a Patron" Day, I plan to:
- park in the handicapped spot;
- bring my dog (or snake) to work;
- use the computers to look at porn all day;
- spill a drink on the computer and crush Goldfish crackers into the carpet;
- tell anyone who says I owe her money for fines to go screw herself and that I will "burn her house down";
- pee all over the toilet seat and the toilet paper roll, and not flush, (duh);
- take a nap by the newspapers;
- steal someone's cell phone;
- lose my car keys and demand that the library pay for a locksmith;
- jam the copier with foreign money or bent coins and walk away;
- demand money back for something I never paid for;
- use the phone at the information desk and TALK really LOUD about personal stuff;
- pull a fire alarm when I don't get my way;
- whatever the hell I damn well please.
So everyone enjoy Work Like a Pirate Day, or whatever the hell this is.