Monday, January 14, 2008

1 down, 1,345,345 to go.

Here is a story that says that blogs are important. I would love to believe that, really I would. There are few people out there with a more overblown self-image than me (oddly, they seem to turn up on the first few episodes of American Idol wearing capes and platform shoes).

In the story, a guy blogged something about a mutant plant gene, and eventually a real (print) author recognized his contribution and offered to share credit for the discovery. Hmmm. There are over one million (a guess) bloggers out there and one person finally got noticed.

I guess it depends on your point of view. My goal is still to get in print. I blog to keep thinking about goofy shit that might turn into something bigger. Congrats to the mutant plant gene dude: you made it, man. When we think of mutant plant genes, we will think of you. And that other guy who wrote the article. And Poison Ivy.